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7 september, 2016 kl. 07:33 #182325
Deltagare@Frederik 88018 wrote:
Vad tror ni om att ha search by tags i sin sökfunktion? För att tagga produkterna med relevanta sökord. Som det är idag i Magento så söker den enbart på produktbeskrivning och titel som jag har förstått det.
tex. #star wars, #starwars, #star-wars, #lego star wars, osv.
Även om man ser i sökhistoriken att flera stavar fel på något ord, så kan man tagga in det sökordet till det relevant produkten.
Frederik har en sökmotor som kan hjälpa dig med det, man kan prova en månad gratis.
Özgur18 februari, 2016 kl. 14:18 #180805ozgur
Deltagare@Meni 80865 wrote:
Hej all,
Sorry for replying in English, my Swedish is still pretty bad so it’s best not to embarrass myselfFull disclosure, I am one of the founders of Findify which is listed in the solution list, but i’ll do my best to keep this post objective!
So if we are specifically talking about Magento, there are two levels of options:-
Infrastructure solutions – which allow an API integration and a high level of control over the search.
Magento specific solutions – which have an extension that allows a “one-click installation” of the search
There are other search solutions out there, but i won’t list them since they are SaaS solutions (rather than infra) that don’t have a native Magento integration. These options are:
ElasticSearch – this is, in my opinion, a much better alternative to Solr. It’s a bit less mature but ES just raised $80M and the community is growing. Both ES and Solr use Lucene, but the main advantages of ES over Solr is the ease of deployment, maintenance, etc.
Google Site Search – This Google product uses their full text search algorithms so matching is obviously really good. The main drawback here is that this product does not provide filtering capabilities
Google Search Appliance – this is the product Google Commerce Search was integrated into. It’s an extremely powerful search solution with all the bells and whistles. It is however, a hardware solution, and extremely expensive with pricing starting at $18,000 per year.
- – This solution provides various features such as instant search, full text matching, spelling mistake tolerance and filtering and is quite affordable. the only limitation is that the search is only available as an overlay from the search box and does not replace the native search results, so the user experience is not optimal.
- – This is another very affordable solution, with a good autocomplete feature, however on magento they do not offer filtering.
- – This is an enterprise search solution, competing on large merchants. in addition to search they also offer merchandising solutions, automated SEO, and others. the price however is very high, starting at a few thousand USD per month
- – a Finnish startup, that provides an advanced, Machine learning based solution. it provided basic learning that promotes the most popular products in the search. the main con on their product though is their UX, that seems to be a copy of the doofinder layout.
- – a Dutch company that provides all the basic functionality; Autocomplete, product matches, filtering. The con here is the UX once more, offering overlay options only.
The reason for this overlay implementation that Sooqr, Klevu, Doofinder and others chose, is simplification. It is much easier to have the filters in an overlay, rather than integrating the search results and filters into a dedicated results page. From a UX perspective though, this is quite bad as customers get the feeling they are shopping on a site within a site, and if they ever press “enter” they either get the default magento search, or results without filtering.
- – We provide all the features needed from a good search; Autocomplete with product matches, filtering, sorting, zero-results page optimization, custom synonyms, amayltics, etc. The main feature is our advanced machine learning capabilities, which collects anonymous data to automatically re-order the search results based on the most converting and most popular products.
Happy to answer any follow up questions har inte det problemet som nämns ovan då man ska ändra inställning själv eller med supportens hjälp
They need to use our API to do it :
– Özgur