Forumsvar skapade
22 december, 2019 kl. 21:29 #186734
DeltagareDitt paket kostar 48 kr med Edge avtalet? Borde det inte vara det billigaste alternativet? Finns det några andra bra avtal?
20 mars, 2018 kl. 10:58 #185017Dent
Deltagare@PontusAndersson 89005 wrote:
Nu har jag löst scriptet. Fick ändra lite knappnamn samt lägga in ett extra moment för att ta sig till utskriftfavoriten.
// ==UserScript==
// @name varubrev
// @namespace
// @author Mikael Backlund
// @description Varubrev
// @include*
// @include*
// @require
// @version 001
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// ==/UserScript==
// Base url of page to collect addresses on.
var customer_info_url_base = ’ökväg.php’;
// When object of this class is clicked on the above page addresses are collected
var object_class_to_click = ’.knapp’;
// Pacsoft online user id
var my_pacsoft_uid = ’DITT PACKSOFT ID’;
// Pacsoft online password
var my_pacsoft_pwd = ’DITT PACKSOFT LÖSENORD’;
// Name on image next to favorite
var favorite_html_name = ”act_ShipmentJobFavoriteSearchActions_SearchResultEdit_RowId_19404”; //ÄNDRA DETTA PÅ RAD 66
// Senders packsoft customer number
var my_packsoft_customer_nr = ’1’;// Class of
with customer name etc…
var click_class = ”.knapp”;
var customer_name_class = ”.customer_name”;
var customer_address1_class = ”.customer_address1”;
var customer_address2_class = ”.customer_address2”;
var customer_postcode_class = ”.customer_postcode”;
var customer_email_class = ”.customer_email”;
var customer_telephone_class = ”.customer_telephone”;
var customer_order_id_class = ”.customer_order_id”;
var customer_names = new Array();
var customer_address1s = new Array();
var customer_address2s = new Array();
var customer_postcodes = new Array();
var customer_emails = new Array();
var customer_telephones = new Array();
var customer_order_ids = new Array();// Attach the collect_addresses function to a object on the page with addresses
if (window.location.href.indexOf(customer_info_url_base) > – 1) {
} // The login page of packsoft online
else if (GM_getValue(’trigger’) == ’1’ && $(’button[name=”act_LoginActions_Login”]’) [0]) {
GM_setValue(’trigger’, ’2’);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
} // Packsoft home screen, go to my favorite named Varubrev
else if (GM_getValue(”trigger”)== ’2’ && document.location.href.indexOf(”Action=act_PostRedirectHomeActions_Render”) > -1) {
GM_setValue(”trigger”, ”3”);
GM_setValue(”session_link”, document.location.href.split(”&”)[0].split(”?”)[1]);
document.location = ”webapp?”+GM_getValue(”session_link”)+”&Action=act_MenuActions_Item&Target=body&ItemHandler=ShipmentJobFavoriteSearchActions2″;
}else if (GM_getValue(”trigger”)== ’3’ && document.location.href.indexOf(”Action=act_ShipmentJobFavoriteSearchActions_Render”) > -1) {
GM_setValue(”trigger”, ”4”);
// alert(’Samlade kundadress.’);$(’button[name=”act_ShipmentJobFavoriteSearchActions_SearchResultEdit_RowId_19404″]’).trigger(’click’);
// Fill the first page of the form press next (do while there is addresses left)
else if (GM_getValue(’trigger’) == ’4’ && GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) > 0 && $(’button[name=”act_ShipmentJobEdit1Actions2_Next”]’) [0]) {
$(’input[name=”RECEIVERName”]’).val(GM_getValue(’customer_names’).split(’¤’) [GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1]);
$(’input[name=”RECEIVERDeliveryAddress1″]’).val(GM_getValue(’customer_address1s’).split(’¤’) [GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1]);
$(’input[name=”RECEIVERDeliveryAddress2″]’).val(GM_getValue(’customer_address2s’).split(’¤’) [GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1]);
$(’input[name=”RECEIVERDeliveryZipcode”]’).val(GM_getValue(’customer_postcodes’).split(’¤’) [GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1]);
setTimeout(function () {
$(’input[name=”RECEIVERSms”]’).val(GM_getValue(’customer_telephones’).split(’¤’) [GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1]);
$(’input[name=”RECEIVEREmail”]’).val(GM_getValue(’customer_emails’).split(’¤’) [GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1]);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 400);
}, 100);
} // Fill the second page of the form click ”lagra” (do while there is addresses left)
else if (GM_getValue(’trigger’) == ’4’ && GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) > 0 && $(’button[name=”act_ShipmentJobEdit2Actions2_Store”]’) [0]) {
$(’input[name=”ShipmentSndReference”]’).val(GM_getValue(’customer_order_ids’).split(’¤’) [GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1]);
GM_setValue(’no_of_customers’, GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1);
if (GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) === 0)
GM_setValue(’trigger’, ’5’);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
} // Go to ”Lagrade utskrifter”
else if (GM_getValue(’trigger’) == ’5’ && $(’button[name=”act_ShipmentJobEdit1Actions2_Next”]’) [0]) {
GM_setValue(’trigger’, ’0’);
document.location = ’webapp?’ + GM_getValue(’session_link’) + ’&Action=act_MenuActions_Item&Target=body&ItemHandler=ShipmentJobSearchActions2’;
} // This function collects addresses stores them and then opens packsoft online
// This function is attached to a object on the page with addresses
// It is triggered when the user clicks the objectfunction collect_addresses() {
$(’.customer_name’).each(function (i, elem) {
customer_names[i] = $(elem).text().replace(’¤’, ”);
$(’.customer_address1’).each(function (i, elem) {
customer_address1s[i] = $(elem).text().replace(’¤’, ”);
$(’.customer_address2’).each(function (i, elem) {
customer_address2s[i] = $(elem).text().replace(’¤’, ”);
$(’.customer_postcode’).each(function (i, elem) {
customer_postcodes[i] = $(elem).text().replace(’¤’, ”);
$(’.customer_email’).each(function (i, elem) {
customer_emails[i] = $(elem).text().replace(’¤’, ”);
$(’.customer_telephone’).each(function (i, elem) {
customer_telephones[i] = $(elem).text().replace(’¤’, ”);
$(’.customer_order_id’).each(function (i, elem) {
customer_order_ids[i] = $(elem).text().replace(’¤’, ”);
GM_setValue(’customer_names’, customer_names.join(’¤’));
GM_setValue(’customer_address1s’, customer_address1s.join(’¤’));
GM_setValue(’customer_address2s’, customer_address2s.join(’¤’));
GM_setValue(’customer_postcodes’, customer_postcodes.join(’¤’));
GM_setValue(’customer_emails’, customer_emails.join(’¤’));
GM_setValue(’customer_telephones’, customer_telephones.join(’¤’));
GM_setValue(’customer_order_ids’, customer_order_ids.join(’¤’));
GM_setValue(’no_of_customers’, customer_names.length);
GM_setValue(’trigger’, ’1’);’’);
[/CODE]Fungerar detta fortfarande?[CODE]
// ==UserScript==
// @name varubrev
// @namespace
// @author Mikael Backlund
// @description Varubrev
// @include*
// @include*
// @require
// @version 001
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// ==/UserScript==
// Base url of page to collect addresses on.
var customer_info_url_base = ’ökväg.php’;
// When object of this class is clicked on the above page addresses are collected
var object_class_to_click = ’.knapp’;
// Pacsoft online user id
var my_pacsoft_uid = ’DITT PACKSOFT ID’;
// Pacsoft online password
var my_pacsoft_pwd = ’DITT PACKSOFT LÖSENORD’;
// Name on image next to favorite
var favorite_html_name = ”act_ShipmentJobFavoriteSearchActions_SearchResultEdit_RowId_19404”; //ÄNDRA DETTA PÅ RAD 66
// Senders packsoft customer number
var my_packsoft_customer_nr = ’1’;// Class of
with customer name etc…
var click_class = ”.knapp”;
var customer_name_class = ”.customer_name”;
var customer_address1_class = ”.customer_address1”;
var customer_address2_class = ”.customer_address2”;
var customer_postcode_class = ”.customer_postcode”;
var customer_email_class = ”.customer_email”;
var customer_telephone_class = ”.customer_telephone”;
var customer_order_id_class = ”.customer_order_id”;
var customer_names = new Array();
var customer_address1s = new Array();
var customer_address2s = new Array();
var customer_postcodes = new Array();
var customer_emails = new Array();
var customer_telephones = new Array();
var customer_order_ids = new Array();// Attach the collect_addresses function to a object on the page with addresses
if (window.location.href.indexOf(customer_info_url_base) > – 1) {
} // The login page of packsoft online
else if (GM_getValue(’trigger’) == ’1’ && $(’button[name=”act_LoginActions_Login”]’) [0]) {
GM_setValue(’trigger’, ’2’);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
} // Packsoft home screen, go to my favorite named Varubrev
else if (GM_getValue(”trigger”)== ’2’ && document.location.href.indexOf(”Action=act_PostRedirectHomeActions_Render”) > -1) {
GM_setValue(”trigger”, ”3”);
GM_setValue(”session_link”, document.location.href.split(”&”)[0].split(”?”)[1]);
document.location = ”webapp?”+GM_getValue(”session_link”)+”&Action=act_MenuActions_Item&Target=body&ItemHandler=ShipmentJobFavoriteSearchActions2″;
}else if (GM_getValue(”trigger”)== ’3’ && document.location.href.indexOf(”Action=act_ShipmentJobFavoriteSearchActions_Render”) > -1) {
GM_setValue(”trigger”, ”4”);
// alert(’Samlade kundadress.’);$(’button[name=”act_ShipmentJobFavoriteSearchActions_SearchResultEdit_RowId_19404″]’).trigger(’click’);
// Fill the first page of the form press next (do while there is addresses left)
else if (GM_getValue(’trigger’) == ’4’ && GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) > 0 && $(’button[name=”act_ShipmentJobEdit1Actions2_Next”]’) [0]) {
$(’input[name=”RECEIVERName”]’).val(GM_getValue(’customer_names’).split(’¤’) [GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1]);
$(’input[name=”RECEIVERDeliveryAddress1″]’).val(GM_getValue(’customer_address1s’).split(’¤’) [GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1]);
$(’input[name=”RECEIVERDeliveryAddress2″]’).val(GM_getValue(’customer_address2s’).split(’¤’) [GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1]);
$(’input[name=”RECEIVERDeliveryZipcode”]’).val(GM_getValue(’customer_postcodes’).split(’¤’) [GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1]);
setTimeout(function () {
$(’input[name=”RECEIVERSms”]’).val(GM_getValue(’customer_telephones’).split(’¤’) [GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1]);
$(’input[name=”RECEIVEREmail”]’).val(GM_getValue(’customer_emails’).split(’¤’) [GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1]);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 400);
}, 100);
} // Fill the second page of the form click ”lagra” (do while there is addresses left)
else if (GM_getValue(’trigger’) == ’4’ && GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) > 0 && $(’button[name=”act_ShipmentJobEdit2Actions2_Store”]’) [0]) {
$(’input[name=”ShipmentSndReference”]’).val(GM_getValue(’customer_order_ids’).split(’¤’) [GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1]);
GM_setValue(’no_of_customers’, GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) – 1);
if (GM_getValue(’no_of_customers’) === 0)
GM_setValue(’trigger’, ’5’);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
} // Go to ”Lagrade utskrifter”
else if (GM_getValue(’trigger’) == ’5’ && $(’button[name=”act_ShipmentJobEdit1Actions2_Next”]’) [0]) {
GM_setValue(’trigger’, ’0’);
document.location = ’webapp?’ + GM_getValue(’session_link’) + ’&Action=act_MenuActions_Item&Target=body&ItemHandler=ShipmentJobSearchActions2’;
} // This function collects addresses stores them and then opens packsoft online
// This function is attached to a object on the page with addresses
// It is triggered when the user clicks the objectfunction collect_addresses() {
$(’.customer_name’).each(function (i, elem) {
customer_names = $(elem).text().replace(’¤’, ”);
$(’.customer_address1’).each(function (i, elem) {
customer_address1s = $(elem).text().replace(’¤’, ”);
$(’.customer_address2’).each(function (i, elem) {
customer_address2s = $(elem).text().replace(’¤’, ”);
$(’.customer_postcode’).each(function (i, elem) {
customer_postcodes = $(elem).text().replace(’¤’, ”);
$(’.customer_email’).each(function (i, elem) {
customer_emails = $(elem).text().replace(’¤’, ”);
$(’.customer_telephone’).each(function (i, elem) {
customer_telephones = $(elem).text().replace(’¤’, ”);
$(’.customer_order_id’).each(function (i, elem) {
customer_order_ids = $(elem).text().replace(’¤’, ”);
GM_setValue(’customer_names’, customer_names.join(’¤’));
GM_setValue(’customer_address1s’, customer_address1s.join(’¤’));
GM_setValue(’customer_address2s’, customer_address2s.join(’¤’));
GM_setValue(’customer_postcodes’, customer_postcodes.join(’¤’));
GM_setValue(’customer_emails’, customer_emails.join(’¤’));
GM_setValue(’customer_telephones’, customer_telephones.join(’¤’));
GM_setValue(’customer_order_ids’, customer_order_ids.join(’¤’));
GM_setValue(’no_of_customers’, customer_names.length);
GM_setValue(’trigger’, ’1’);’’);
[/CODE]Fungerar detta fortfarande?
1 januari, 2018 kl. 13:08 #184474Dent
Deltagare@NextGear 91069 wrote:
Det korta svaret är att du helt enkelt inte behöver skicka med någon följesedel alls. Följesedelns primära funktion är egentligen att mottagaren kan stämma av vad som är utlovat (och fakturerat) från dig och vad denne har mottagit. Med andra ord om allt det som skulle varit med i försändelsen har kommit fram. Övervägt att maila den?
Följesedeln kan givetvis ge mycket annan information också, ovan har jag antagit att du skickar någonting direkt till slutkund med exempelvis DHL/Posten. Andra saker gäller givetvis om vi pratar gods som omfattas av särskilda transportbestämmelser, om du kör egna transporter osv.
Tack för svaret!
12 oktober, 2017 kl. 12:17 #184201Dent
DeltagareTack för alla svar. MyPack Home Small verkar väldigt intressant. 35 kr för spårbart är väldigt billigt. Prismässigt kan fraktnätverket dhl, edge dhl samt andra avtal inte matcha detta?