Startsida › Forum › E-handelsforumet › Köp & Sälj › NA-KD säljer flexibelt lagerstallage/hyllor pga lagerflytt
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5 maj, 2017 kl. 14:05 #104138
We at NA-KD are moving to a new warehouse outside Sweden. We are therefore selling warehouse shelves and trolleys. Everything is purchased during 2016 and has worked perfectly in our warehouse.The stallage/shelves are flexible so you can build them up in the exact way you want them.
What we have for sale is:
Gavlar 600mm X 3000mm X 10pcs (djup X höjd)
Gavlar 600mm X 2500mm X 186pcs
Gavlar 400mm X 3000mm X 37pcs
Gavlar 400mm X 2500mm X 592pcs
Gummiskydd 3300pcsBalkar 1300mm X 9558pcs (längd)
Balkar 1200mm X 449pcs
Balkar 900mm X 530pcsHyllplan 600mm X 800mm X 878pcs (djup X längd)
Hyllplan 600mm X 600mm X 144pcs
Hyllplan 600mm X 400mm X 1024pcs
Hyllplan 400mm X 800mm X 4091pcs
Hyllplan 400mm X 400mm X 4157pcsHängade stänger 1200mm X 160pcs
Hängade stänger 900mm X 6pcsGalgar-Hängade 720pcs
Trolleys 30pcsFor more information and enquiries please contact me! -
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