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- Detta ämne har 5 svar, 5 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast för 12 år, 11 månader sedan av Rasmusostride.
6 februari, 2012 kl. 12:39 #97319Per NilssonDeltagare
Hittade av en slump de regler som gäller för tävlingar och utlottningar via Facebook. För er info.
These Promotion Guidelines, along with the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, the Ad Guidelines, the Platform Policies and all other applicable Facebook policies, govern your communication about or administration of any contest, competition, sweepstakes or other similar offering (each, a promotion) using Facebook.
If you use Facebook to communicate about or administer a promotion, you are responsible for the lawful operation of that promotion, including the official rules, offer terms and eligibility requirements (e.g., age and residency restrictions), and compliance with regulations governing the promotion and all prizes offered in connection with the promotion (e.g., registration and obtaining necessary regulatory approvals). Please note that compliance with these Guidelines does not constitute the lawfulness of a promotion. Promotions are subject to many regulations and if you are not certain that your promotion complies with applicable law, please consult with an expert.Promotions on Facebook must be administered within Apps on, either on a Canvas Page or an app on a Page Tab.
Promotions on Facebook must include the following:
a. A complete release of Facebook by each entrant or participant.
b. Acknowledgment that the promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.
c. Disclosure that the participant is providing information to [disclose recipient(s) of information] and not to Facebook.
You must not use Facebook features or functionality as a promotion’s registration or entry mechanism. For example, the act of liking a Page or checking in to a Place cannot automatically register or enter a promotion participant.
You must not condition registration or entry upon the user taking any action using any Facebook features or functionality other than liking a Page, checking in to a Place, or connecting to your app. For example, you must not condition registration or entry upon the user liking a Wall post, or commenting or uploading a photo on a Wall.
You must not use Facebook features or functionality, such as the Like button, as a voting mechanism for a promotion.
You must not notify winners through Facebook, such as through Facebook messages, chat, or posts on profiles (timelines) or Pages.
Ads may not imply a Facebook endorsement or partnership of any kind. Ads linking to Facebook branded content (including Pages, groups, events, or Connect sites) may make limited reference to ”Facebook” in ad text for the purpose of (1) fulfilling your obligations under Section 2 and (2) clarifying the destination of the ad. All other ads and landing pages may not use our copyrights or trademarks (including Facebook, the Facebook and F Logos, FB, Face, Poke, Book, and Wall) or any confusingly similar marks, except as expressly permitted by our Brand Usage Guidelines or with our prior written permission.
a. By “administration” we mean the operation of any element of the promotion, such as collecting entries, conducting a drawing, judging entries, or notifying winners.
b. By “communication” we mean promoting, advertising or referencing a promotion in any way on Facebook, e.g., in ads, on a Page, or in a Wall post.
c. By “contest” or “competition” we mean a promotion that includes a prize of monetary value and a winner determined on the basis of skill (i.e., through judging based on specific criteria).
d. By “sweepstakes” we mean a promotion that includes a prize of monetary value and a winner selected on the basis of chance.7 februari, 2012 kl. 20:42 #135911FredrikGustDeltagareIntressant läsning och konstaterar att många inte läst dem baserat på de tävlingar som finns där ute…
8 februari, 2012 kl. 12:58 #135936Per NilssonDeltagare@FredrikGust 34193 wrote:
Intressant läsning och konstaterar att många inte läst dem baserat på de tävlingar som finns där ute…
Skulle vara intressant och få veta om FB har agerat mot något företag som har brutit mot dessa regler.
14 februari, 2012 kl. 11:54 #136505basse1985Deltagare@Per Nilsson 34231 wrote:
Skulle vara intressant och få veta om FB har agerat mot något företag som har brutit mot dessa regler.
Jag vet ett större företag som lade ner sin facebooktävling eftersom den bröt mot reglerna.
Så jag antar att facebook kontaktar dig om du bryter mot deras regler och ber dig lägga ner tävlingen. Fortsätter du så stänger de väl ner den själva.
23 februari, 2012 kl. 06:50 #137231LagnovikenDeltagareHar tidigare kört ett par tävlingar på facebook, men fick sedan via detta forum veta att det inte var ok. Nu vågar jag inte längre, vill inte riskera att bli avstängd.
5 mars, 2012 kl. 13:37 #138352RasmusostrideDeltagareIt all depends on how succesful your competition turns out. Facebook has to ”care” enough to do something about it.
one of the ways to go about all these competition rules is to do a solution where a script makes the user bounce between facebook and an external site, that handles all the personal information. This requires quite a bit of Coding skills and you will need to have a talented developer on your team. Otherwise do as Maxim is doing with their weekly challenges:
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