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- Detta ämne har 5 svar, 5 deltagare, och uppdaterades senast för 14 år, 4 månader sedan av
Anders Larsson.
13 november, 2010 kl. 22:01 #95182
DeltagarePå vilket sätt var det tänkt att jag skulle bli blåst här??
Annonsen utlagd på Fyndtorget:
Golvskydd 110 x 125 cm – Säljes på FyndtorgetSe mailkonversationen nedan (första mailet nederst)
Subject: Thanks
From: ”Juanita Terry”
Date: Sat, November 13, 2010 10:27 pm
Priority: Normal
Options: View Full Header | View Printable Version | Download this as a fileHello,
Thanks for the good offer, i am ok with the price. i am so happy is
still available for sale, please take off the advert from the internet
and write sold because i am making payment immediately, my daughter has
been looking for itI will need you to please send me the below information to effect
payment as soon as possible. i am making the purchase for my daughter
who is getting married soon, she is a music Student.bellow are the details are need for payment :
Full Name to be on the cheque………….
Post code……………
Phone number………….
closest airport……….in respect to payment,i am presently in Haiti for a charity work with
the Red cross, so I will instruct my Boss in Europe to issue you a
certified cash cheque,my boss will add an extra amount to the payment so
that it can cover your payment and the shipping so that the transaction
can be fast and smooth.When you get the money, deduct your payment which is (215 euro), also
deduct all the bank charges used to exchange the cheque and also for
your convenience during the transaction.deduct extra 100 euro for this
purpose ok.The rest money remaining after your payment is deducted will be used for
the shipping. i will send a shipping company agent to your address to
pick up the instrument after you receive your payment.i will be waiting for your name and home address in the above order to secure the payment in few days.
Note: can you please help me get a Swedish Language written wedding card
for my daughter? she will love it because she love Sweden, also for her
to know i make this purchase from Sweden.I promise you a fast and smooth transaction, thanks for assisting in giving my
daughter this wonderful gift.My regards to your family.
urgent response will be highly appreciated.
waiting for your address to effect payment as soon as possible.
Mrs Juanita Terry.
— On Sat, 11/13/10,
wrote: From:
Subject: Re: Angående din annons: Golvskydd 110 x 125 cm
Date: Saturday, November 13, 2010, 2:42 PMHej,
Jag tar 215 kr styck inklusive moms för dem.
Varför undrar du över pris i Euro?
Är du intresserad av att exportera?Vänligen,
Stefan Tall
Stocksundet Byggsystem AB
Ringen 22, 18273 Stocksund> Angående din annons: Golvskydd 110 x 125 cm
> Meddelande:
> Hej
> Jag älskar den här möbler, hur mycket är det sista priset i euro?
> Namn: Juanita
> E-postadress:
> Detta meddelande skickades via formulär från
> angående den annons som du lagt in på Fyndtorget.
> Du kan svara personen direkt på detta meddelande.
> Utskicket gjordes 2010-11-12, 14:25
> Köp och Sälj – Annonsera gratis på Fyndtorget – Köp & Sälj
>13 november, 2010 kl. 22:09 #116284GregerA
DeltagareDet verkar väl helt hederligt :confused:
Nej, det handlar om att du får en falsk check, så om banken redan gett dig pengar så kommer de att ta tillbaka dem. Då har du betalt transportören och är av med varan.
Det finns en del liknande exemple på nätet; här t.ex:
Nigerian Check Fraud schemes scams13 november, 2010 kl. 22:42 #116285Parvelito
DeltagareIbland kommer det till och med en check på en helsickes massa mer pengar än man skall ha, och så ombeds man sätta in det överskjutande på något konto. Checken är falsk och du blir av med varan, får betala transporten, och banken vill ha tillbaka sina 36.000kr eller vad nu checken löd på.
Ibland får man varan i retur, eftersom de inte uppgett sitt riktiga namn eller adress. Din vara för några hundralappar är sekundär i sammanhanget.
Är man iskall kan man alltid börja spela deras spel för att jävlas med dem, och förklara att man visst skall lösa in den stora checken, om de kan vara så hyggliga och sätta in 5.000kr för en liten administrativ bankkostnad på konto si eller så
13 november, 2010 kl. 22:49 #11628614 november, 2010 kl. 08:55 #116290Plastskivor
DeltagareÄsch.. se möjligheterna istället!
YouTube – Bidrag 48: Loopia reklamfilm – Loopia Webbhotell firar 10 år
19 november, 2010 kl. 15:49 #116450Anders Larsson
DeltagareTack vare er sida, här fick jag snabbt svar om min misstanke om bedrägeri besannad.
Följande e-post adress stog som mottagare Juanita Terry []
Fick följande svar på min annons.
Thanks for the good offer, i am ok with the price. i am so happy is still available for sale, please take off the advert from the internet and write sold because i am making payment immediately, my daughter has been looking for itI will need you to please send me the below information to effect payment as soon as possible. i am making the purchase for my daughter who is getting married soon, she is a music Student.
bellow are the details are need for payment :
Full Name to be on the cheque………….
Post code……………
Phone number………….
closest airport……….in respect to payment,i am presently in Haiti for a charity work with the Red cross, so I will instruct my Boss in Europe to issue you a certified cash cheque,my boss will add an extra amount to the payment so that it can cover your payment and the shipping so that the transaction can be fast and smooth.
When you get the money, deduct your payment which is (260 euro), also deduct all the bank charges used to exchange the cheque and also for your convenience during the transaction.deduct extra 100 euro for this purpose ok.
The rest money remaining after your payment is deducted will be used for the shipping. i will send a shipping company agent to your address to pick up the instrument after you receive your payment.
i will be waiting for your name and home address in the above order to secure the payment in few days.
Note: can you please help me get a Swedish Language written wedding card for my daughter? she will love it because she love Sweden, also for her to know i make this purchase from Sweden.
I promise you a fast and smooth transaction, thanks for assisting in giving my daughter this wonderful gift.
My regards to your family.
urgent response will be highly appreciated.
waiting for your address to effect payment as soon as possible.
Mrs Juanita Terry.
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